Marvel Masterworks: The Ex-Man

Well, maybe not my buddy yet, but the way things are going, I'm pretty sure I'll be talking to him very soon.
His name is Nick. C. Thompson, Esquire. He is a Louisville, Kentucky Divorce Lawyer.
Why Louisville, Kentucky? Well, I found him on the internet, and really, just look at this man - he looks like he knows what he's doing.
And I'm sure I'll be needing someone with experience to "get it over with" as soon as possible.
Don't let me mislead you here: it's not that I'm LOOKING to divorce my beloved husband of 18 months. I'm madly in love with Donovan, he's absolutely PERFECT in every way.
But there is someone who doesn't want us to be together anymore; someone who is attempting to drive us apart, and who won't stop until we've officially split.
And the worst part: he's using Donovan's innocent love of, and passion for, comics as the bait.
Wil is the man who is single-handedly responsible for supplying Donovan with the pages of comic books to colour. (I hear Wil reads my blog occasionally, so Wil, this one's for you!) :)
Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men vol. 6 is the bait, and, like a siren, Wil uses this clever, knavish and deceitful temptation to persuade Donovan to linger, thus causing the destruction of our marriage.
Wil is Donovan's supplier of comic book pages to colour. And wow, does Donovan ever LOVE to colour comic book pages! Ever since Donovan was a little boy, he knew he wanted to be involved with the comic book industry, either as a superhero himself, or, if not, then the colourist of a book.
Now Donovan used to work at a place called Digital Chameleon, where he did this work full time. And it was his job - he'd go to work, do his thing, and come home to do as he desired.
Donovan isn't at Digital anymore - he has another job, but thanks to Wil, it's like Donovan's working 2 full-time jobs! Wil just won't stop delivering the goods for Donovan to colour! And I don't blame him, Donovan is supermegacrazyhypedup talented when it comes to that - and I used to think that, at first, that's all it was, was Wil recognizing Dono's talents as mind-blowing, and as asking an old friend for some help.
But nowadays, I'm convinced Wil is bombarding Donovan with pages so much that his intentions are no longer to give Donovan something to just keep him occupied every now and then. Oh no - Wil's intentions are to assault Dono's talents and consume every morsel of free time he would ever hope to have, inevitably leading us to divorce! Everyday, when I come home from work, or have a day off, I look forward to spending time with my husband - but alas, I cannot, as he is tied up finishing up a page or starting a new book!
"Hey Donovan, want to go out to a movie tonite?"
"No sorry, I've gotta finish this page for Wil."
"Hey hun, wanna fool around?!"
"No sorry, Wil just sent me another page!"
I'm convinced Wil is trying to drive us to divorce with all this extra work he's giving Donovan. So from now on, I am officially dubbing Wil, the "Ex-Man".
disclaimer: Wil, I'm totally just ribbing you on here! Don't stop giving my husband the extra work - he needs the money to buy Mamma a new pair of shoes! :)