Sunday, August 19, 2007

Glass Tiger is NOT managed by a "baby doctor"

First off, let me start by saying TRACY!!!


There's your shout out! Thanks for coming to visit my lil' blog, even though I don't update it nearly enough as I need to!

Ok, now that we got that formality outta the way!...

I'm in a serious predicament here!

Dono and I are HUGE Glass Tiger fans! (Because I work at WestJet, I'm able to look up the names of "celebrities" who've travelled with us, and last summer, I noticed Alan Frew and the boys were coming our way for a show - so Dono and I showed up at the airport to greet them off the plane!)

We met the band, got some autgraphs, went to the show the next night, and had a blast! A few days later, I emailed their manager to thank him for being so gracious with us, and to say what a wicked time we had at the show! He responded and thanked us for coming, yadda yadda yadda.


Fast forward to present day...I was recently checking out the GT website, and lo and behold, I see they're COMING BACK TO WINNIPEG....on December 31st!


Oh wait....our baby's due date is December 28th.....


That aside, I thought I would send the GT manager another email - this one would be a bit more comical, and stress to him how MUCH we love the music and how badly we want to go.

This is what I wrote to GT's manager:


I just noticed on the GT website that the guys arecoming to the Peg on New Year's Eve!

Naturally, without hesitation, I'd be going in aheartbeat, but I have a problem, and I'd like to askyour opinion on it!

You see, hubby and I are pregnant with our first baby,and we're due Dec 28th! I understand the first baby isusually overdue, so should I chance it and get ourtickets for the show? And would Alan Frew deliver my baby on stage if I happen to go into labour then?

Chances are he wouldn't forget me when I'm gone! (harhar)

In your professional opinion, what do you think Ishould do?!!!!! Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon!

- Cat

Clearly, the manager of GT is in NO POSITION to even be considered as someone who can give a "professional opinion" on this matter - that, I thought, would be obviously a tip to him that, hey, I'm not SERIOUS, but just so's ya know, I really wish I could go because the band rocks just that much!

This is the response I got:

Honestly Cat..

I'm not a baby doctor and would never presume to tell you what
to do on this issue. We would love to see you there. On the upside,
tickets will be limited and will likely sell out well in advance. If you got
two tickets and then were not able to go at the last minute, I don't think
you would have any trouble selling them to somebody else..


I think the humour of it all - what I was intending on my end - got lost in translation somewhere! Oh well, at least we know FOR SURE that GT's manager is DEFINITELY not a baby if there was ever any doubt........!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, just came across this on blogger and I'm still roaring on the floor! The reply you got from Rod is so typical Rod. Although I know you were trying to be funny (and at least I saw the humour there), Rod is more interested in looking at things from a business perspective than a personal perspective. In other words, unfortunately, he could give a rat's ass if you're having a baby; he'd much rather you spend your money for tickets to a show you may not be able to go to, even if you have to forfeit them. It's no sweat off Rod or the band's backs if you can't make the show because they've gotten their money from you...thanks very much...have a nice day. At least Rod was cordial about it. The reply from Alan's personal manager would've been worse--trust me.

And although Alan was an RN in the day, I'm not sure he ever delivered any babies (though he was in the delivery room 3 yrs ago when Evan was born).
If you have any doubts about going, don't go, as difficult as that may be. Take the money you would've spent on tickets and buy your baby something special. You need to concentrate on having a healthy baby; not a Glass Tiger concert.
Good luck.

11:02 p.m.  

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