Sunday, June 18, 2006

After 18 Years, the Mystery has FINALLY Been Solved

The year was 1988. I was a darling and innocent young girl at the tender age of 9. And I was in love.

His name was Murray Tester.

He had beautiful golden locks, and a killer smile (so what if there were a few gaps from where baby teeth once flourished).

But Murray never knew my feelings for him. In fact, nobody knew. I was too shy.

It wasn't until the last day of Grade 4 before school let out for the summer that I realized how deeply I loved him. You see, Murray announced to his class that he was moving out of the city, and would not be returning to St. Al's in the fall.

WHAT??? MURRAY, NOOOO!!! He was going to leave FOREVER, and I would NEVER get the chance to see the sunshine radiating from his angelic aura again!

In the months and years that followed, I would think about Murray often, if not every day. I recall one such instance where my parents took me for a drive with them out to the perimeter to a vegetable stand one afternoon, in the summer of 1988, with the memory of Murray's devasting news still fresh in my mind. When they were getting out of the car to select their choice of premium legumes and such, I opted instead to stay in the car, pop my new El Debarge cassette into my walkman, and daydream.

But I would fast foward through Rhythm of the Night and The Heart is Not So Smart (rightfully so) to listen to my favourite ballad - Who's Holding Donna Now. Only, MY version of the song - the one I would sing in my head, substituted Donna for Murray.

Sometimes a love won't let go
Hard as I try I know it shows
Everybody's telling me
You'll be over HIM eventually
But how am I supposed to feel so secure
When I keep wonderin'
Who's holding MURRAY now
And I keep wonderin'
Who's heart HE's knocking around
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To be in HER shoes somehow

And I keep wonderin'
Who's holding MURRAY now
And I keep wonderin'
What magic can be found
To turn me back to the one
Who's holding MURRAY now

(Did I mention I was 9 YEARS OLD??)

Let me just say that I am indeed happily married, and am super lucky to be with Dono - but I have to admit, every now and then, I'll hear that El Debarge classic, and I'll be transported back in time to the summer of 1988, in the backseat of my parent's car, with that walkman just a-blastin' in my little ears, and a boy named Murray on my mind. Whatever happened to him? Where did he move to? Is he still alive?! Who IS holding Murray now?

Well, after nearly 2 decades of uncertainty, my questions were answered in one unsuspecting night.

Last Wednesday night, June 14th, Dono and I went with our friends Tannis and Troy to see Nacho Libre. As Dono and I made our way to the pretzel stand, I spied a familiar face walking my way......."OHMYGODDONOVANTHAT'SMURRAYTESTER!" I frantically whispered in my hubby's ear (as he is well aware of my "secret past"!), keeping my eyes glued to him in disbelief, watching him as he passed by, oblivious to my presence.

Turns out Murray was going into the same theatre we were going into, watching the same movie, sharing the same air!

And so, to answer the question spawned by El Debarge so many years before, there's some skinny little brunette who's holding Murray now!

(I love you Donovan!) lol

Finally, one mystery let's get crackin' on that Area 51 business.

Currently playing: Coldplay - Talk

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

On the brink of Fandemonium

Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I nearly became a hockey fan.

I mean, I was actually ENJOYING watching a hockey game. On tv.

When the Sens were playing Buffalo in the semi-finals, I got into it. I knew the players' names, I sat on the edge of the couch with my eyes glued to the set, and every time the round rubber scoring device (the "puck") came near Emery (the "goalie"), I would yell out his name, as if to warn him that it was coming. "Emery, here it comes!", I would say.

But in the end, Emery just couldn't handle the pressure, and the Sabres won. Well, I tells ya, I was deeply saddened by this occurance. I was decked out in Sens gear (the goods we purchased in January when we went to Ottawa to see the Sens vs the Leafs, primarily the foam helmet), and when Buffalo hammered that final nail into the Sens' coffin, my jaw hit the floor.

"Well," I said to myself, "that's it. No more hockey."

I mean I literally said that. Out loud.

I was juuuuuuust about on board with this whole hockey craze, and then the Sens went and blew it, and I didn't want to have any part of the hype any more. That's what I get for developing some semblance of interest in my husband's favourite past-time.

But then, the Edmonton vs Carolina series starts heating up, and now it's not just a battle of team against team. It's nation vs nation. As much as I didn't want to watch it, I couldn't help it.

Mind you, I wasn't AS involved with the "Oilers" as I was with my Sennys. (Doesn't that McDonald's spokesperson play for Edmonton?!) But just the other night, Dono and I found ourselves watching this game, when Carolina was up 2-1 in the series over Edmonton. With less than 30 minutes to go, and with signs littering the crowd that read "Hockey is Canada's Game", I found myself in familiar territory - I would be glued to the set for the remainder of the game and root for Canada.

Like a phoenix rising up from the ashes, I would again rise up from my distaste for this sport and become a cheering fan (not to the likes of Gropey McJazz-Hands, mind you!). I was on the brink of fandemonium!.......

....only to see the Oilers lose. Aaaaaaaand now I'm done with hockey forever!

(until that Todd Bertuzzi guy plays again!) teehee! (What??? He's a "talented" player!)

Currently playing: Max Webster - Let Go The Line

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Back from hiatus - round 2!

Back from another temporary hiatus - man, who's the worst blogger in the world?!

Things have been rather busy, what with The 7th Quintannual, Yaciuk Household Renovate-a-thon consuming most of our time!

Now that I'm full time at WestJet (full time = no more 4am starts, more days off, less chance for divorce!), I have more time to devote to the more important things in life - like BLOBBING! (see It's BLOB time! )

To kick-start this next bout of blobbing sessions, I want to take this opportunity to show off my niece! She recently celebrated her 1st birthday, and her auntie couldn't be more proud of her! She's getting so big now - she walks around like a little tyrant, getting into things, babbling her cutsie baby-talk and pointing to me and Uncle Donovan trying her darndest to say "Auntie" and "Uncle" (which actually sound more like "Tee" and "Ck"). Adorable.

My sister Leanne and my brother-in-law Jon purchased a pool for Alexis and took her out for her first swim in the backyard. Judging by the pictures below, she didn't really have much fun!

Because I just love her to bits, I have to post more pictures of her!
