Words that make me crazy

But sometimes, some people are just plain SILLY!
The following is a list of words - SIMPLE words - I've heard people use (or misuse, as the case may be).
Scratch "misuse".
The following is a list of words, phrases, and names people blatantly abuse!
1. Valetime's Day
2. Supposebly
3. Dark Vader
4. Liberry
5. Comfortful
6. Chester drawers
7. Expecially
8. It's not pronounced "cue-pon", it's a GD COUPON!
9. Pacific, instead of "Specific"
10. Sammich
11. Somewheres
Sure, modern languages were formed by people saying things differently. At some point, when enough people start using a new word, it sooner or later makes it into the dictionary. "Ain't" made it. I think "dis" is even in some dictionaries now. A new word is one thing, but blatantly pronouncing a word incorrectly doesn't sound clever or cute to me. It makes me cringe. What's worse, is that it's infectious. Everyone starts copying it. Why? This has been going on for years.
But how is it that some people can hear a word mispronounced a few times, and then start saying it, intentional or otherwise? And what really boggles the mind is this: somewhere in the world there must exist (or must have existed) the very first person ever to say it. Who the heck is this person?
Feel free to post your favourite misused and mispronounced words! As much as it drives me crazy to hear it in conversations, it's fun to read about!
Currently listening to: Donovan attempting to drill holes into our plaster walls to hang pitchers...I mean, PICTURES ;)
I hate how Nick Hill's Number One Son pronounces "proschecshing feesch" instead of "processing fees".
Hey....isn't that pitcher of Burton Cummings???!!!!
It might be...if there were bits of nips and beads of grease/sweat clinging to his mustache!
You's guys
For all intensive purposes
And finally, even though it IS a word, "unmercifully". UN mercy FULL? Why not just "mirciless" or better yet why not "anti-non-de-un-dis-merci-ful-less-fully"?
Oh man! I totally forgot how much I hate "irregardless"!!! Good one!
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