Sunday, October 29, 2006

Fun things I can do now, that I never could before

Now that Cysty has been successfully evicted from my body, I've discovered there are a few things that I can do now that I couldn't accomplish before:

- I can look down and actually see my feet!

- Because Cysty stretched out my stomach so much, I now have handfuls of extra skin that I can hide random objects in (pens, a wallet, and, we've discovered, half of Donovan's head!)

- I can sit thaaaaaaat much closer to the table (lessens the risk of spillage on my clothes)

- When I drop something on the floor, I don't have to back up a couple of feet in order to pick it up! I just bend down, and thar we go! (that's WHEN I can finally bend down - stupid hurting incision!)

- The flappy skin - I just can't get over how much fun that is, it's like a big ball of dough! It really does KNEAD to be mentioned again! (Knead! HAHA! Get it? Like kneading dough?!.... get it??!!)

- My incision has developed a subdural hematoma, which means the bottom half of it didn't close up properly. So now it looks like I have 2 belly buttons! I've got a built-in ice-breaker in awkward conversational situations! ("Hey everyone! Wanna see something neat?!....Anyone???")

I want to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to all of you for your kind words, your thoughtfulness, and your concern. This has been one heckuvan ordeal, and I was very nervous and scared going in, but all your support has made recovery that much easier.

And now, to finally put this to rest, please take a moment to read the following literary masterpiece, crafted by moi as my therapeutic form of closure:

Ode to Cysty (a crappy poem for a crappy medical anomaly)

Farewell to you, Cysty, you've been with me for many years

Through the good times, and the bad, and when I would shed many tears

But now your time has come, you're gone, and all I have to say, is

I hate you, you big, fat, stupid, fluid-filled enigma for all the times strangers thought I was pregnant and for putting me through countless hours at the ER when I thought I had a heart condition, but I didn't, because your stupid arse was pressing on my diaphragm, and I'm glad you're gone away!

(cue applause!)

Currently listening to: Cinnamon Girl - Cory Heydon

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Post-Op pics!

Sure is fun not wearing baggy sweaters!

The surgery was a success! The cyst was NOT ovarian, but para-ovarian (grows beside the ovary). My left ovary was not removed like I was initially told it would be, thank goodness. Everything looks great with the exception of a fallopian tube, which has a bit of damage on it. But c'mon, who REALLY needs a fallopian tube anyway?!

Cysty turned out to be a sac filled with 16 LITRES of fluid, which means I lost 35 LBS in about an hour. The BEST weight loss program I've ever been on!

For more on the experience, visit my hubby Dono's blog on his version of events. He's a lot craftier with his words, especially since I'm still hopped up on the T3s!

So here are the "after" pics! (I still have a "swelly belly" from the surgery, and that'll last for another 5 wks, but I'll take that over Cysty any day!).

Thank you to everyone who supported me - surgery's fun (I'm guessing, I don't really recall since I was asleep!), but recovery isn't! All your words of encouragement and all your support has meant the world to me!