Friday, June 29, 2007

This is wrong.....very, very wrong

I'm constantly bombarded with pictures, scenarios, and experiences that require me to "blob" about them. And these occurances usually happen when I'm driving, so of course, the hope that I remember WHAT I was to blob about by the time I get home has vanished completely.

Lucky for me, I came across this lil' gem on a pregnancy website I frequent.

Now, I "get" that the site is for busy moms and moms-to-be, ideas on how to calm other children and get them involved so the mom can go one hour without thinking of downing a bottle of Captain Morgan's.

But I think that "they" (the webmasters) need to be more careful with the way they word things, because sometimes, a stressful mom visitng the website in a flurry of rage for ideas on how to keep her tantrum-tainted children in check MAY misconstrue the following idea:

Sure - instead of making pizza with bacon or with feta cheese, why not make pizza with your kids?

That's one way to shut 'em up.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Now I'm starting to freak myself out

Remember last year, how I took Dono to the Sens game in YOW, and admittedly had a good time?

Well, I'm afraid the "What's this, I like hockey now?" syndrome has come into full effect.

Thanks to my loving husband, who was excited to give me a gift of a Sens jersey with my name on the back, and the fact that we've caught almost all the Sens games all season, I'm now a bonafide Ottawa Senators fan.

And I'm starting to freak myself out!

Just ask any member of my family - growing up, I had no patience to watch, and no desire to learn about, hockey or football. And now, tonite, as the Sens and Ducks are in game 4 of the Stanley Cup finals, I find myself yelling out penalties before the refs blow their whistles.

"That's offside!" or "Goalie interference!", I would say.

And I would be right.

It's bittersweet, the reaction from Dono - the look on his face is one of such pride, as in "That's my girl! I love you so much!". That's the sweet part. The bitter part is that I know I've never seen that look on his face before, and I don't know if I could ever see it again (unless it's another hockey-related comment I make).

But whatever, I'm having fun cheering along with Dono! I'm able to participate in the taunts from our couch, yell out one-liners that the commentators make ("Keep/take the crowd in/out of the game" and "Get it out of the end zone").

And for the most part, I know what they mean. But I have to admit, sometimes I'll just yell out random comments I hear them say in previous games, and still Dono gets that proud look on his face.

It's a win-win situation!

Oops, game's back on now......3rd period, and the game's tied at 2. C'mon Sens, let's get some fresh legs on the ice and put some pressure on the Ducks! (????)