Monday, August 21, 2006

Not enough time for vacations

Two and a half weeks can go by like that, and what's been accomplished? Sure, we went to Calgary, did some sleeping in, relaxing things like that. But it's just a shame that, since I work for an airline, we didn't take advantage of more exciting locations in such a vast amount of time away from work.

One day, we'd like to see the world, and I wonder what that would be like? To look back at pictures of us in places we've only dreamed of going to...

Well, why wait? Below are some pictures of us (mind you, an "us" from last year!), but US nonetheless, in different vacation spots!

Here's us at Niagra Falls:

Here we are at Yosemite:

Here we are in Spain:

And finally, here we are in the future helping out some of our new friends (we're the ones in the background):

Currently playing : Glass Tiger - You're What I Look For

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sometimes when we don't tip our Shuttle Bus Driver, the honesty's too much...!

As my holidays are coming to an end, I find myself reflecting back on the wonderful time Donovan and I had together. Granted, he wasn't able to get an entire 2.5 weeks off like I was, but he still managed to fanagle a day or two. We took advantage of this opportunity to fly out to Calgary on the long weekend (after having been entertained by Glass Tiger the night before at the casino! Wow, what a show!).

This is when I began feeling like Cousin Eddie was going to show up and bbq some buns for us. (National Lampoon's Vacation reference, in case you didn't know!)

We got to the airport in Winnipeg, checked in, and got to the boarding lounge. The flight was scheduled to depart at 11 a.m. But then God decided, "No, no, we'll let them wait it out for a bit," and sent some nasty weather our way. We were grounded in YWG for 2 hours due to the storm.

Not fun situation #1.

Finally, 1 p.m. rolls around, and it's time to board. We get on the plane, grab our seats, and we're off! We arrived into YYC (Calgary) just after 2 p.m. local time, and made our way over to the car rental building. We hadn't made reservations - we never do when we fly, there's always something available. Why would this time be any different?

Oh, but it was.

We found ourselves fighting our way through a jungle - a maze, if you will - of hoards of angry, frustrated and anxious people waiting to get their arses in a rental. People were everywhere - waiting in neverending line-ups, sitting on the floor along the walls, hanging from the ceiling. Just a mess of flesh and flailing limbs everywhere we turned. We went to 4 different car rental places, all telling us the same thing: "Do you have a reservation? No? Well then, I'm sorry, we're all sold out."

Not fun situation #2.

We decided to try ONE LAST place, holding out hope that maybe - JUUUUUST maybe - there would be something for us.

The chick at Budget told us they had nothing left except for convertibles (which I wouldn't have minded!) for $189 per day (which Dono DID mind)! After receiving this devastating news and exchanging a hopeless "Well, NOW what do we do?" look, the chick at Budget interrupts our vacant glances to tell us that a car has JUST arrived, for $89 a day, and would be ready in 10 minutes!

We grabbed it - and then we were off! We rented a room in a luxury hotel, with a pool we took advantage of every night. We had fun driving around, cranking tunes and getting lost in Cow Town, visiting friends and family. Those 3 days just whizzed by, and before we knew it, it was time to leave.

Tuesday morning, we arranged for a shuttle to take us to the airport (after having to return our car the day before). The shuttle bus driver - let's call him Manuel - was wonderfully friendly and curiously perky for 6:30 in the morning, but we didn't mind. "Let me take your bags, Sir," he said to Dono, as I hopped on board the complimentary shuttle to secure us a seat before the Air Canada crew with whom we were sharing our shuttle got on.

The ride to the airport was nice first thing in the morning. Watching the sun come up, Dono and I were snuggling in the back of the shuttle bus to Manuel's surprising music selection - the soft sounds of Dan Hill's Sometimes When We Touch.

Definitely peculiar choice for first thing in the morning. Didn't really get our days kick-started, that's for sure. We ventured a guess and decided that Manuel's past involved a very torrential love story: he was in love with a woman named Panalpina (or something of the sort). She loved him dearly, in fact this Dan Hill tune was their song. They used to dance all through the night to the sultry sounds of Mr. Hill, gazing longingly into each other's eyes....until Panalpina fell into the ice sculpture on the head table at the reception after having had too much to drink, and died instantly as the feathers of the ice peacock pierced her heart.

We figure if we could listen really hard, we could hear a single tear rolling down Manuel's cheek, as he relives his passion for Panalpina over and over with every note of the song.

As we arrived at the airport and stepped out of the shuttle bus, we realized we had no change to tip Manuel for the service which he provided.

Once he realized it, this was where Manuel tasted the bittersweetness of his tear, and his sadness turned to rage, as he began flinging our luggage all over the sidewalk, nearly running us over as he peeled out of there! That was the last time we saw him, careening off into the horizon, probably sobbing and spitting all at the same time.

I guess the honesty of us not having any spare change - coupled with the memories of his dead Panalpina - WAS just too much for Manuel to bear.

Well, glad to be home now!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

We've captured the elusive Glass Tiger!

Flight 899 pulled up to the gate at the Winnipeg International Airport this evening from Toronto at 7:17pm. And Dono and I were there to stalk one of Canada's classic and most beloved creatures, the Glass Tiger!
In the arrivals area at the WestJet baggage services counter, we had keyboardist Sam Reid paged (paging Alan Frew would be too obvious). And so Sam showed up.

Donovan was as giddy as Oprah on Free Baked Ham day at Harpo Studios!

Once Mr. Reid approached the counter, looking for a WestJet agent to tell him why he'd been paged, Dono got the conversation ball rolling by saying, "We're the reason you were paged - I hope you don't mind, but I stole your luggage!"

We were ready to go, I began digging in my purse for the Sharpie Dono made me carry (while he was about to pull out his Glass Tiger CD booklet), when before we knew it, GT's manager Rod whipped out 3 colour glossies of the band, complete with Sharpies of his own!

3 of the 4 members of the band signed those pics for us (one had missed his flight - maybe we'll go back tomorrow morning to get our 4th signature!), and all the while Sam was very talkative and seemed appreciative of our efforts to make our pilgrimage to the airport just to meet them!

Tomorrow night is the show at McPhillip's Casino - we'll be there, in the 17th row mind you, and we'll be shouting out the tunes right along with Al and the gang.

(Sam did give us permission to rush the stage, so if I don't post anymore after this, you'll know we've been thrown in jail!)

Glass Tiger - after all these years, you're still a pretty cool group!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I don't get it!

So I'm sitting here, and for some reason, I thought it'd be interesting to see how much one ounce is.

So I went to, and I typed in "How much is one ounce?" in the search engine. The first page that came up contains the following text:

"An ounce is equal to 437.5 grains, 1/16 of a pound, or 28.350 grams. The system of having 16 ounces in a pound is called the avoirdupois system.

Note: An ounce is a unit of weight that is not equal to a fluid ounce which is a measure of volume. The troy or apothecary weight system has one ounce = 480 grains = 31.103 grams and 12 ounces = 1 pound! That means one avoirdupois ounce is equal to 0.910 troy ounce. Yikes!"

"Yikes"? "Yikes" meaning "I don't know what the hell it was I just typed? Or "Yikes, I'm the world's biggest nerd"?

I don't get it. And maybe I'm glad I don't.....

I still don't know how much one ounce is!


Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

...and OTHER REASONS I've been neglectful in fulfilling my blob-duties!

10. Shift work (note: I had to REALLY REMEMBER to put the "f" in "shift"!)
9. Living a life on the lam isn't all it's cracked up to be
8. I've got a hot husband!!!
7. I've got a messy husband!!! (read: relentless house cleaning!)
6. Have I posted pictures of my adorable niece? Is she just not SOOO CUTE?!!
5. Fighting off hoards of hungry, angry wasps
4. The sheep in the basement won't let me near my computer
3. I've been bombarded by calls from "Betty, the woman who's hosting Free Scripture Readings in Your Area"
2. Sometimes it's important to sleep!

....and the NUMBER 1 reason I've been absent from the cyber world....


Yes, it's true - I'm a Game Show Network-a-holic!

Aside from the traditional favourites of the GSN (Lingo, Password, Press Your Luck) that have consumed much of my time and have probably either permanently damaged my grey matter or heightened my intellectual state, I've come to terms with a minor obsession that's been harbouring since Dono and I came back from a GSN marathon in Sifton, MB...

Not an Anderson Cooper or Bono-type fixation.

My fascination for Richard Dawson is a bit more complex.

Who else in the world could be a panelist for Match Game (73-78) that smokes cigars on stage, looks down his fellow female panelist's shirts as they're composing their responses, and later host a timeless game show and get away with making out with all the female contestants?

What, you think it was just a harmless peck on the lips that he so easily doled out on the Family Feud?

Consider THIS: When Richard was 49, back in 1981, the Johnson family appeared on Family Feud and Richard was introduced to 27 year old Gretchen. They had a daughter, Shannon Nicole, in 1990, and were married in 1991.

I'm going to throw away any feministic notions here and say RICHARD DAWSON WAS THE MAN, and NO ONE can ever touch his ladies' man legacy!

Wait a sec.....Tom Cruise - isn't he, like, 44? And Katie Holmes, well she's 27....

Ok, sorry Richard, I guess you're not THAT untouchable!

I guess I'll just stick to watching Chuck Woolery and Lingo then!