Stupid People

The campaign, launched by the California Milk Processor Board, is using scent as a primary trigger to coerce people into wanting to drink more milk. Scented oils were sandwiched between cardboard cards emblazoned with "Got Milk?" and affixed to shelter walls. But apparently this brilliant idea, like every new concept, has its opposition.
Dono proceeded to tell me why people were protesting the ads - being the couple that we are, we can finish each other's sentences, so I proceeded to do so.
I recall a story in the news, oh, about 7 yrs ago, about a man who checked himself in to a downtown "hotel" (the Occidental - classy joint!), got drunk and/or high, and began to (gross alert) gnaw off the skin on the bottom of his toes and eventually choked to death.
No word of a lie. Very disgusting.
So, the all-knowing me, I interrupted Dono's story to say, "Oh, is it because some loopy transients started to break off bits of the ad and eat them, and choked?"
With a disgusted look on his face, he said "NO!"
Guess I was a tad off base with my assumption.
Turns out the REAL reason why people are protesting this new campaign is because ..... get this.... critics have complained the ads could be offensive to the poor and homeless who cannot afford to buy sweet treats.
That's the most RIDICULOUS thing I've ever heard! Should I not be offended, then, by ads for diamond earrings, cars, or (lately, with my restricted income), licorice?!
People are stupid.
This is the first installment of my highly anticipated "I HATE PEOPLE" series. I expect there will be many more chapters to follow.