Saturday, September 23, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Not the "delivery" my parents were hoping for!
Mark this date on your calendar, folks!
Tuesday, September 26th, is the day that I'll be going into the delivery room!
But not for your average delivery. Oh no. This baby weighs a guesstimated 15-20lbs, is about 54 cm long and 89 cm wide.
This "baby" is my benign ovarian cyst that has been growing in my belly for the past 3 years!!!
And after having been with me so long, I can definitely say I won't miss having it with me!
It was discovered last Thursday, when Dono and I went to see the fertility doctor. He had me get up on the table for an exam (the doctor, not Dono!), began poking around on my belly (and I began thinking, "Oh great, he's going to tell me I'm too fat to get pregnant!"), and as it turned out, he looked at me and said, "Honey, there's something wrong with you."
He scheduled me in for an emergency ultrasound, which I was in by Friday morning. For 2 hrs, the ultrasound tech did both external and internal scans, and the massive cyst was discovered.
Being at least 24 cm deep, the tech informed me that all my internal organs were severely displaced, my kidney was becoming enlarged, the cyst was pressing on my diaphragm (causing my "heart condition"), and was just an overall nuisance!
I met with my fertility doctor again this past Tuesday to go over the results of my bloodwork, and the tests couldn't conclusively rule out cancer (I can't believe he dropped the c-bomb!), so he had to refer me to an oncologist.
"You probably won't hear from them for about 10 days," my fertility doc told me. The next day, I had a call from Cancer Care MB with an appointment set up for today, Thursday, one week from when it was first discovered!
The oncologist told us that he was going to rule out cancer (they won't know for sure until it's removed), because if it WAS cancerous and it was as big as it is, I'd be dead by now!
I can't believe how quickly things have moved along, and needless to say, both Dono and I are completely relieved (and still a bit in shock). I had no indication that anything was wrong, as I never had any typical signs of an ovarian cyst (ie. excruciating pain).
Dono says the record for the world's largest cyst was 328lbs, removed back in 1905! He suggested I hold out a bit longer to try to beat it. I just pushed him down the stairs with my cyst. HAHA!
So next Tuesday is the surgery, and after spending about 5 days in the hospital recovery room, you can bet that by Sunday I'll be out bikini shopping!
Stay tuned for the amazing before and after pics!
Tuesday, September 26th, is the day that I'll be going into the delivery room!
But not for your average delivery. Oh no. This baby weighs a guesstimated 15-20lbs, is about 54 cm long and 89 cm wide.

And after having been with me so long, I can definitely say I won't miss having it with me!
It was discovered last Thursday, when Dono and I went to see the fertility doctor. He had me get up on the table for an exam (the doctor, not Dono!), began poking around on my belly (and I began thinking, "Oh great, he's going to tell me I'm too fat to get pregnant!"), and as it turned out, he looked at me and said, "Honey, there's something wrong with you."
He scheduled me in for an emergency ultrasound, which I was in by Friday morning. For 2 hrs, the ultrasound tech did both external and internal scans, and the massive cyst was discovered.
Being at least 24 cm deep, the tech informed me that all my internal organs were severely displaced, my kidney was becoming enlarged, the cyst was pressing on my diaphragm (causing my "heart condition"), and was just an overall nuisance!
I met with my fertility doctor again this past Tuesday to go over the results of my bloodwork, and the tests couldn't conclusively rule out cancer (I can't believe he dropped the c-bomb!), so he had to refer me to an oncologist.
"You probably won't hear from them for about 10 days," my fertility doc told me. The next day, I had a call from Cancer Care MB with an appointment set up for today, Thursday, one week from when it was first discovered!
The oncologist told us that he was going to rule out cancer (they won't know for sure until it's removed), because if it WAS cancerous and it was as big as it is, I'd be dead by now!
I can't believe how quickly things have moved along, and needless to say, both Dono and I are completely relieved (and still a bit in shock). I had no indication that anything was wrong, as I never had any typical signs of an ovarian cyst (ie. excruciating pain).
Dono says the record for the world's largest cyst was 328lbs, removed back in 1905! He suggested I hold out a bit longer to try to beat it. I just pushed him down the stairs with my cyst. HAHA!
So next Tuesday is the surgery, and after spending about 5 days in the hospital recovery room, you can bet that by Sunday I'll be out bikini shopping!
Stay tuned for the amazing before and after pics!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Counting down the days until our newest arrival!
Not sure the exact date yet, but judging by the way things have been going, and how quickly I've been growing, it's going to be very, very soon!
(I'm guessing it'll be in the next week!)
(for those of you who don't know, stay tuned for the details!).........
(I'm guessing it'll be in the next week!)
(for those of you who don't know, stay tuned for the details!).........