Wednesday's Spam

But in the interim, please enjoy this week's edition of Wednesday's Spam!
This one comes from Bethany Barton @ The subject heading:
increase in sexual desire
(is your curiousity piqued yet?)
Bethany writes:
Carefully chosen herbal ingredients are the key to pen1s enlargement
Not only the precise blend of ingredients but also many other factors
have effect on the overall potency and strength of penis enlargement formula.
Some of these factors include growing conditions, geographical location
where herbs are grown, harvest time, the way herbs are stored before processing, the way herbs are processed.
Well, seeing as how I DON'T have a pen1s - and obviously have no use for this bit of poorly-written information - I decided to click on the link.
Aside from regurgitated information from the copy in the email, I luckily stumbled upon the story of this brave lad - let's call him Burt. Now Burt's story is a touching one...this is the story of Burt, 25, from New York:

We appreciate your brutal honesty, Burt, and we thank you for being brave enough to share your personal trials and tribulations, but I've got one question for you - what the hell are you doing with a girl who does nothing but laugh at and insult you? You deserved to be belittled, and you probably only stuck with her because your unit IS so small and couldn't get it anywhere else!
Now I won't get into detail, but I had to bring up this next story. Alan from San Francisco writes:
Thank you, thank you and thank you again! As soon as my order of Virility Patch RX arrived I got out the digital camera and took a 'before' photo of my pen1s. I made a deal with myself that I would take another photo when I was done the batch I ordered. If I didn't see any difference you would have been the first person to hear about it! I couldn't belive my eyes - I was three inches longer.
Who the heck DOES that? Now, I don't have a pen1s, but even if I did, would I take a picture of it? Even if it were to map results of some phoney product? Is this what men do? I wouldn't even THINK of doing that! What the flip is that all about? And what are you going to do with it, show it to your friends and family? "Hey Mom, look at this!"
Thanks for thinking of me, Bethany, and for taking the time to email me, but until I grow a pen1s and become vile enough to want to take pictures of it (perhaps they could be worth money from the Guiness World Book of Records?), I'm going to have to delete this useless bit of information!
Currently listening to: Donovan running upstairs to shut the oven off and prevent our pizza from bursting into flames!
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