One week of cramming...

(that's hockey, right?)
I didn't know what to buy Donovan for Christmas - what could I possibly choose for the love of my life that he would appreciate more than anything? So I took the easy route - find the one thing he loves more than me.
So I bought him tickets to the Senators game in Ottawa.
I was right - he is super excited about it, and he does love the Sens more than me.
Unfortunately, I fear this gift will bring about a terrible experience. I'm not a hockey "fan", nor do I understand what "icing" is (if it doesn't come in a tin from Betty Crocker, what's its purpose?). And the Leafs...proper grammer would dictate they should be called the "Leaves". Am I right or am I right? Am I right? Right?
This is just the beginning of a flurry of questions and comments to come. I can envision it now: there we'll be, sitting side by side, the game will have just begun, and Donovan will perspire with pure excitement. His newly-purchased Senators attire will have already begun to lose it's crispness as he fidgets about in his seat. The first whistle of the game will blow - and I'll ask, "What does that mean? Why did they do that?" He'll appease me, at first, thinking he's being sweet and I'm just "adorable" for not understanding. He'll give me explanations in hopes that I'll understand and won't have to ask again. But of course, as the game continues and the next whistle blows, I'll just ask the same questions again. Not to be mean, but simply for the fact that I just don't get it! During the course of the game, his answers will become more curt and brief, they'll be barked at me, and by the end of the game, we'll probably be divorced, citing grounds that I ruined the one event he's been looking forward to since our wedding day.
So that leaves me with one conclusion - I have a lot of studying to do. I've got one week left to cram into my noodle as much knowledge of hockey as I possibly can (and to attempt to stay awake doing it!).
Next year, he's getting socks for Christmas.
All you need to know is this:
When the black play-disc is propelled into the scoring basin, that's good.
If the man standing in front of the scoring basin is wearing a large baseball glove and a logo that matches the one on Donovan's hat, that's bad.
I think if you ask the guys on my hockey team, they'll tell you that you probably know more about hockey than I do!
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