Sunday, March 19, 2006

Stuffed animals stuffed in places they shouldn't be!

So it's been a while since I blogged last - don't get me wrong, many blog-worthy things have happened since my last posting. If I wasn't so busy with work, I could've blogged a lot sooner - perhaps I could've blogged about how Steven Tyler almost ran me and my sister (and my niece) off the road; I could've blogged about how angry it's making me that Napoleon Dynamite is whoring himself and his nerd image to any movie at a whim.

But I won't.

Instead, I've decided to blog about something that makes me raving mad.

Not in a "I'm going to run you off the road like Steven Tyler almost did to me" way.

But still pretty burnt up.

This is something that we've all seen, something that I don't think one person can satisfactorily justify, or fully explain.

This is the phenomenon of people lining the interior along the rear window of their car with stuffed animals.


Why do people do this?

It's truly an enigma.

You know what I'm talking about... granny cars, chachi cars, cars driven by "Daddy's Little Princess", with big stuffed bears, kittens, or dogs, perched upon the ledge, staring down the unfortunate drivers who are behind them at red lights.


The only thing I can think of as to why someone would do this is because the driver has a love for stuffed animals. That's fine - but keep it at home, or in the front seat! If you love stuffed animals THAT MUCH (and you're old enough to drive?), putting them on the back ledge, crammed against the rear window seems pointless - how are you going to retrieve them with ease and give them a little snuggle as you drive? You can't! So why not put them in the front seat so they can travel beside you, and you can snuggle with them as often as you like?

Why not?

Because that's WEIRD, isn't it?

Well so is shoving Cuddles the Bear in the back window of your car, positioned only to stare down the drivers behind you!

I hate stuffed animals stuffed in the rear of cars. Stuffed animals shouldn't be stuffed there. That's my rant for today.

disclaimer: the above rant does not include those drivers with babies in a rear-facing car seat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It drives me nuts, as well. It makes me even more nuts when it's a 40 year old woman. How messed up is that?

11:53 p.m.  

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