No Deal or No Deal!
I don't watch a lot of tv. In fact, my favourite shows (24, Friends, Degrassi Jr High), we have on DVD, so we just watch them whenever we feel like it. Then, there are the times Dono and I will watch whatever's on A&E: Dog the Bounty Hunter, Criss Angel: Mindfreak, American Justice, City Confidential.
But there was one show that Dono and I managed to catch the tail end of last week - a new, addictive game show hosted by the Boston Pizza potentate himself, Mr. Howie Mandel.
The game: Deal or No Deal.
Based on a series that debuted in Holland in 2002 and became an international hit, Deal or No Deal is about luck and playing the odds.
Contestants are faced with 26 briefcases held by 26 models, each case with a hidden value ranging from a penny to the top prize that will escalate by week’s end to $3 million.
As the game progresses and cases are eliminated, a contestant weighs the chance of snaring a big prize against lesser but still tempting offers made by the show’s “bank,” represented by an anonymous, silhouetted figure.
(I believe the figure to be the once-reclusive alien life form, Alf, who is trying to make a comeback in the new millennium with baby steps, first as a silhouetted-banker man, then, I'm guessing, as the love interest of an amphetamine-addicted Bea Arthur plagued by hallucinations in a Ludacris rap video. Or better yet, in Patrick Swayze's rap video, once he breaks on to the scene. Hey, if Howie Mandel can make a comeback, why not Alf???)
But that's beside the point.
Donovan and I are hooked on this game show.
For the past few days, Dono had been checking our local listings to find out when the next time this gem would air. And sure enough, last night was said time.
I was feeling burnt out from working 94 hours a week, but boy oh boy, I just couldn't wait to snuggle underneath my electrode blanket (!) in the darkness of our newly-renovated basement by the light of the glowing TV and indulge in my new obsession. Even Dono, though he had pages to colour, was gearing up to get as much done as he could before 7pm, so that he could join me on the couch for this exciting game of greed!
The clock struck 7. Entertainment Tonight was just wrapping up, the credits rolling on the screen. Then...Howie!
"IT'S ON!" I screamed.
Oooh, this was gonna be GOOD! There was Howie, and he just called his first contestant. The game was underway! The player chose his case, the model placed it beside him. Then he started to call out numbers of cases, and the first 2 of the game were opened: $1, $0.01...oh MAN, this is how the game is PLAYED!
And that's when it happened.
KARE News was interrupting Deal or No Deal for a Special Report.
("Better be an earthquake or something pretty big," I thought to myself. "Why else would they interrupt this show?")
"Kirby Puckett has died," the reporter said.
Ok - gee, that's too bad...thanks for the report, now let's get back to the show!
But no, the reporter carried on for 23 minutes.
I was mad.
23 MINUTES!!!!
Now, this may sound pretty insensitive of me, but you have to understand this: to me, a Special Report - one that's interrupting a fantasmically-divine game show such as Deal or No Deal - should, in my eyes, take a few minutes to report. No matter WHAT programming they're interrupting - unless it's something that is going to affect me and my family in the next few moments (ie. tornado, terrorist attack, M&M recall). They should state the facts, and wrap it up by saying, "More on this during your 10 o'clock news tonight." They should NOT take up 23 minutes of my Deal or No Deal time to repeat the same facts over and over and over and OVER again. They're just gonna go through it all again during their news at night programs anyways!
I'm sorry that someone died, it sure is a sad thing. But don't occupy so much time away from a program that isn't on a regular schedule - and not on any other freakin' channel! - to tell me something that really doesn't affect me, and that I can (and will) hear about later!
Because I was snuggled on the couch under my electrode blanket (!) to see (no) Deal or No Deal, I ended up watching Walk the Line again.
Fair trade-off.
And just when I was getting to be ok with seeing Howie Mandel again. Maybe it's a sign... a sign transmitted over the satellites in our earth's atmosphere, a transmitted signal from alien life forms who are fighting Alf's return to the boob tube because he should be staying a recluse.
Like Bea Arthur.
I digress.
But there was one show that Dono and I managed to catch the tail end of last week - a new, addictive game show hosted by the Boston Pizza potentate himself, Mr. Howie Mandel.
The game: Deal or No Deal.

Contestants are faced with 26 briefcases held by 26 models, each case with a hidden value ranging from a penny to the top prize that will escalate by week’s end to $3 million.
As the game progresses and cases are eliminated, a contestant weighs the chance of snaring a big prize against lesser but still tempting offers made by the show’s “bank,” represented by an anonymous, silhouetted figure.

But that's beside the point.
Donovan and I are hooked on this game show.
For the past few days, Dono had been checking our local listings to find out when the next time this gem would air. And sure enough, last night was said time.
I was feeling burnt out from working 94 hours a week, but boy oh boy, I just couldn't wait to snuggle underneath my electrode blanket (!) in the darkness of our newly-renovated basement by the light of the glowing TV and indulge in my new obsession. Even Dono, though he had pages to colour, was gearing up to get as much done as he could before 7pm, so that he could join me on the couch for this exciting game of greed!
The clock struck 7. Entertainment Tonight was just wrapping up, the credits rolling on the screen. Then...Howie!
"IT'S ON!" I screamed.
Oooh, this was gonna be GOOD! There was Howie, and he just called his first contestant. The game was underway! The player chose his case, the model placed it beside him. Then he started to call out numbers of cases, and the first 2 of the game were opened: $1, $0.01...oh MAN, this is how the game is PLAYED!
And that's when it happened.
KARE News was interrupting Deal or No Deal for a Special Report.
("Better be an earthquake or something pretty big," I thought to myself. "Why else would they interrupt this show?")
"Kirby Puckett has died," the reporter said.
Ok - gee, that's too bad...thanks for the report, now let's get back to the show!
But no, the reporter carried on for 23 minutes.
I was mad.
23 MINUTES!!!!
Now, this may sound pretty insensitive of me, but you have to understand this: to me, a Special Report - one that's interrupting a fantasmically-divine game show such as Deal or No Deal - should, in my eyes, take a few minutes to report. No matter WHAT programming they're interrupting - unless it's something that is going to affect me and my family in the next few moments (ie. tornado, terrorist attack, M&M recall). They should state the facts, and wrap it up by saying, "More on this during your 10 o'clock news tonight." They should NOT take up 23 minutes of my Deal or No Deal time to repeat the same facts over and over and over and OVER again. They're just gonna go through it all again during their news at night programs anyways!
I'm sorry that someone died, it sure is a sad thing. But don't occupy so much time away from a program that isn't on a regular schedule - and not on any other freakin' channel! - to tell me something that really doesn't affect me, and that I can (and will) hear about later!
Because I was snuggled on the couch under my electrode blanket (!) to see (no) Deal or No Deal, I ended up watching Walk the Line again.
Fair trade-off.
And just when I was getting to be ok with seeing Howie Mandel again. Maybe it's a sign... a sign transmitted over the satellites in our earth's atmosphere, a transmitted signal from alien life forms who are fighting Alf's return to the boob tube because he should be staying a recluse.

I digress.
Currently playing: Prince - Purple Rain
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